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Los Angeles Book Publishing Services

Do you need affordable cover to cover book publishing services ? RyPul Media will help you transform your books manuscript to paperback, aud...

Do you need affordable cover to cover book publishing services?

RyPul Media will help you transform your books manuscript to paperback, audiobook, hard cover or digital download formats.Your books are then posted to Amazon, Itunes, Barnes&Noble, Kobo and many more online outlets, which gives your book the very best chance at literary success.

When you publish with us, you keep 100% of your royalty rights and profits. Our industry-leading service can be personalized to fit your specific genre or publishing timeframe.  We provide expert book publishing advice with a personal one-on-one touch, our book publishing services provide the industries widest distribution network all at your fingertips. 

Our full book publishing services include:

All Manuscript Types Accepted
Proof & Edit Your Manuscript
Conduct Kindle Book Keyword Search
Ensure a unique ISBN number Is listed with your book
Ensure legal copyright language is included within your book
Deliver (1) press release + permanent link promoting your book
Promote your book to 14k blogs and websites submission proof provided
Update Your Niche Keywords in KDP
Optimize Your Amazon Book Description with HTML formatting
Promote  your book on our corporate blog (50k+) unique visitors per day
Promote your book on our corporate website
Create a graphic and list your book for sale on our corporate website
Deliver (3) mock-up images of your book 
Deliver (1) MP4 video trailer of your book
Post a link to your book on our Instagram account (10k+) followers

Now is the time to share your story, point of view, opinion or expertise by becoming a published author.  Being an author is a great way to share your passion and earn a living.  Our book publishing services are fast and easy, so give us a call today and lets get you on the road to becoming a published book author today.

Contact us at today!

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