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8 Powerful SEO Strategies That Work

With every changing algorithms, platform options, hashtag marketing and more, there are few SEO techniques that have remained constant and a...

With every changing algorithms, platform options, hashtag marketing and more, there are few SEO techniques that have remained constant and are used still today. In this article, we are going to discuss 8 SEO techniques that are used still today by the most SEO savvy companies.

1) Keyword Research:

This is the very core of an SEO Company. It is in fact the very foundation of an SEO. Before performing any SEO job, the company needs to get familiar with the search terms they are going to target. This will help the company in framing search terms that are going to pull in targeted traffic. At the same time, the keywords are also used in the content to improve the conversion rate.

2) Content Marketing:

Content marketing is considered to be the best way of driving traffic to a website. A lot of websites make use of the content as the main part of the website. The content is the most powerful weapon of an SEO company and has a lot to do with how powerful it is. The content has to be interesting enough so that people read it and click the links. It should be updated on a regular basis with a lot of fresh content.

3) Link Building:

Link building is another SEO technique. It helps in boosting the page rank of the website significantly. The links are basically the inbound links that point to the website. The focus should be on the important websites and linking to them. The importance of the websites should be taken into consideration and the links should be from them.

4) Keyword Research and Analysis:

The most important step of an SEO strategy always remains the same, keyword research. The company should always analyze the keyword demand and make use of such tools to achieve better results. Keyword research should be done with care, because too much carelessness can lead to pitfalls and failure of the business. As a result, an SEO should always keep a track of the competition that he or she is going to tackle and decide the number of keywords that are the best for the competition.

5) Pay-per-click:

This is a process in which a website engages another website to bid on a certain keyword for a limited time. The bid goes up or down depending on the response of the user or the audience. This is also a great way to get some free traffic to your website.

6) Social Media:

This is the latest trend in SEO strategy that has already helped many businesses in reaching the top of the search engine result page. This is also a great means to communicate to your audience through various channels like video, image, text and audio.

7) Paid Inbound Links:

This is a link building technique in which the website submits an application in a directory. These directories are usually paid for and they display links in their pages. This is good if the website has some related content. This can also help your website to reach a higher page rank if you get some relevant inbound links.

8) Link Building Through Blogging:

This is a good SEO strategy to get links for your website. There are plenty of blogs in the internet that are related to your website. You can write an article and post it to these blogs for free. These blogs will get you a back link and they will become a part of your website.

And so the list is very simple, if you can do these 8 steps, you can reach the top of the search engine result page in search engine optimization.

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