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Index My Site On Google Fast

I remember when I created my first website. I designed it, published it, and waited for Google to list it in their page rankings.  But I did...

I remember when I created my first website. I designed it, published it, and waited for Google to list it in their page rankings. 

But I didn't expect a top listing, I thought. After a few days, disappointment set in. I had a great website, but no one wanted to see it because Google didn't include me in its listings. 

I had to do that to get back to work. And it worked for me for about half a second. 

That's when I discovered that it takes Google 8 months to add your site to its search engine. It was a devastating blow for me. I couldn't wait another 8 months for people to see my side. So I started to look around the net and find out why my site was not on the list. My next plan of action was to get traffic on my side to help me get noticed. 

I designed the banner for my site free of charge, because web design is easy for beginners and can be done in about 5 minutes. I bought the banner impression from a seller on eBay. As soon as I signed up, I expected the traffic to flow to my side. If I got a person to click on the banner 1,000 times before it was displayed, I was lucky. 

Looking at where the hits came from, it became clear that most of them came from China and other non-English speaking countries. After discovering that paid banner advertising doesn't work, I also discovered how to be perceived by Google. But there is a secret to that. For starters, people need to see the banners to get paid. 

Google determines the popularity of your website by how many other websites link to it. There are other websites that link to your site and those that have nothing to do with it. 

The best way to get links is to create your own links by writing articles. There are hundreds of article directories on the web where you can submit your articles, make sure you put links to your site and presto, you have a backlink to your site. You can also list your website in free directories that distribute the web, and list inferior links. You get links from everywhere. 

Item directories can be used free of charge and are a great way to advertise your website. The more articles you submit, the more popular your site becomes, Google believes. If you write about a topic related to your website, people will see that you have expertise on the subject and follow the link to your website. Google will take note and you will move up in the search rankings.

Any tips to share on how you ranked with Google?  Leave them in the comments.

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