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Project 7 Security: BUSINESS April 29, 2017 By Warren Pulley, VP Project 7 Security Group | twitter: @p7s...

Project 7 Security: BUSINESS April 29, 2017

By Warren Pulley, VP Project 7 Security Group | twitter: @p7securitygroup

Marijuana businesses around the country are at great risk for armed robbery and burglary simply based on the amount of cash routinely kept on the business premises. 

A great number of cannabis operators lack the proper security protocols to adequately secure, store, or transport their products or cash; which leaves these operators at substantial risk of predatory criminal actions centered around marijuana profits. 

In California alone, published news reports have detailed how dispensaries statewide have reported losses in the tens of thousands of dollars from suspects who have taken cash, marijuana plants, and cannabis products, which in some cases has resulted in the murder of employees during the commission of these crimes.

With cash being the lifeblood of each operation, it is imperative for marijuana business owners to begin implementing high-level security operations which not only protect their business and employees but most importantly their financial bottom lines.  

It has been our experience around the State of California that most marijuana business owners are ill-prepared to effectively deal with breaches of security, armed attacks, selecting secure transports options or simply vetting security personnel to assist them in handling their tangible cash and product resources.  

It is imperative, especially in California that cannabis business owners began to seek out legitimate security companies, expert security consultants, and threat assessment experts to bring everyday security operations into best practice standards before they endure hard losses in cash or product.

Contributing to this problem, in California, and around the nation, is the fact that cannabis business operators continue to operate in a legal limbo. Pinched in between some state laws that allow for the legal use and sale of marijuana and related products and the federal government, under President Donald Trump which has yet to signal which way it will lean in 2017, and beyond on states’ rights to regulate marijuana business operation without fear federal interference from the DEA. 

Until the federal government weighs in with universal banking, security, and financial regulations that would allow for states to openly regulate marijuana business, each MJJ owner needs to ensure they have a very robust and proactive security operations plan in place.  Security plans not only to protect a businesses’ property and employees but most importantly its product and profits.  

Currently, most dispensaries and grow operations are using a mishmash of unlicensed security companies to transport their products and currency. Additionally, they are utilizing video surveillance, key card scanners, limited entry and exit ways, metal detectors, and ID badges in an attempt to screen and control access to their highly profitable operations. It has been my experience that marijuana-related businesses systematically fall far behind industry best practices when it comes to protecting all things marijuana.

Here at Project 7 Security Group, we recommend that MJJ related business owners select professional security services to protect dispensaries, grow operations, cash storage, currency transport, and fixed site operations.  

Business owners should ensure that these security operators are licensed PPO operations in the State of California and employees who have a background in high threat, high stress, and high-tempo security operations.  

If you would like information on how to engage Project 7 Security Group in your security protocols, feel free to contact us at (800) 560-3103, or

Security Guard, Security Officer, Security, Protective Agent, Watchman, Night Watchman, Day Watchman, Surveillance, Security, Surveillance Officer, Loss Prevention, Theft Prevention, Customer Service Security Officer, Hotel Security Officer, Safety and Security Officer, Store Detective, Area Patrol, Transportation Security Officer, Armed Security Officer, Security Supervisor, Officer, Site Supervisor, Lead Security Officer, Detention Officer, Corporate Security Officer, Security Specialist, Security Officer / Supervisor, Protective Security Officer, Professional Security officer, Licensed Security Officer, Security, Security Manager, Facility Security Officer, Event Security Officer, Site security, Part time security officer, Part time security guard, Certified security Guard, Security Agent, Licensed Security guard, Front desk security officer, front desk security guard, Private security officer, corporate security officer, Patrol Officer, Customer Service, Unarmed Security Guard, Public Safety, Public Safety Officer, Safety Officer, Correctional Officer, Driver Guard, Gate Guard, Facilities Guard, Facilities Safety, Concierge, Asset Protection Specialist, Doorman/Customer Service, Greeter, Door Greeter, Mobile Patrol Officer, Flex Officer, Site Supervisor, Site Security, Event Security, Security Agent, Safety Agent, Facilities Patrol, Building Security, Security Coordinator, Facilities CSO, Security and Safety Officer or Guard, machine setter, machine operator, machine tender, Equipment Setter, Equipment Operator, Equipment Tender, Metals, Plastics, Paver, Construction, Builder, Roofing, Fishing, Farmworker, Farming, Tree Trimmer, Agriculture, Refuse and Recyclable Material Collector, waste management, Recycling and Reclamation Worker, molding and casting worker, machine operator, packaging and filling machine operator, extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setter, operator, tender, grinding and polishing worker, woodworking machine setter, operator, textile machine operator, welder, cutter, welder fitters, grinding, lapping, polishing, buffering machine tool setter, operator, metal, plastic, cutting punching, installation, maintenance repair, tire repair, rock splitter, pipe layer, building materials, tile, marble, setter, meter reader, machine feeder and off bearer, automotive and watercraft service, motorboat operators, bus driver, transit, cooling and freezing equipment operator, mechanical, repair, mechanic, automotive repair, automotive glass installer, automotive body repair, construction helper, construction laborer, landscaping and grounds keeping worker, bus driver, ambulance driver, furniture finisher, manufacturing equipment operator

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