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Kill list found at elementary school

LAKE ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) The Wentzville School District responded to questions about a list that was discovered at Green Tree Elementary...

The Wentzville School District responded to questions about a list that was discovered at Green Tree Elementary last Tuesday.
According to those with relatives attending the school in the district, an 11-year-old allegedly saw a fellow classmate with what’s being referred to as a friends and enemies list at the school. FOX 2 spoke to family members of the young child, they didn’t want to go on camera, but did say they were worried about the fact that some parents were concerned because they were not notified of the incident until that Friday.
FOX 2 contacted the district about the incident and a spokesperson released the following statement:
“Last week there was a ‘friends and enemies’ list of student names found at Green Tree Elementary. The principal contacted local law enforcement immediately, and after a thorough investigation it was determined that the list was not a credible threat. The principal and counselor contacted the parents of the students included on the list, and informed them of the incident. Student discipline for these types of incidents is covered by the district`s student misconduct and disciplinary consequences regulation.”
Family members also say they hope the disciplinary action is strong enough to send the message that incidents of this nature will not be tolerated in the future.

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