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U.S. Border Deaths and Rape Increase Under The Watch of Kamala Harris

The topic of immigration policy has been a major point of debate in the United States for decades. And in recent years, it has become even m...

The topic of immigration policy has been a major point of debate in the United States for decades. And in recent years, it has become even more polarizing with the election of Vice President Kamala Harris. Throughout her vice presidency, Harris has made a number of statements that many perceived as misinformed or even outright ignorant when it came to the country's immigration policies. In this blog post, we'll explore some of these statements and examine the reasons behind them.

First and foremost, it's important to acknowledge that the immigration policies of the United States are incredibly complex. With multiple federal agencies and laws governing immigration, it's easy for even the most knowledgeable individuals to become confused or misinformed about the specifics. That being said, there are certainly some statements made by Kamala Harris that stand out as particularly misinformed.

One of the most notable examples of this is Harris's repeated claim that undocumented immigrants are not responsible for an overwhelming amount of crime in the country. Despite numerous studies and statistics that showed this claim to be true, Harris has continued to push the narrative that illegal immigrants are overwhelmingly law abiding people who are as a percentage of the population less responsible for crimes ranging from drug trafficking to murder, than the average American citizen or legal resident.

It's unclear why Harris continues to make these statements in the face of evidence to the contrary. Some have suggested that it was simply a way to appeal to her base and tamp down anti-immigrant sentiment. Others have argued that Harris may have genuinely believed the claims she was making, either due to being misinformed or because of a personal believe which is clearly shaped by her left-wing political ideology.

Another area where Harris's statements about immigration policy were often criticized was in her approach to the current illegal immigrant border crisis of 2023. In 2020, Biden issued an executive order that suspended the remain in Mexico policy which heavily stemmed the flow of illegal immigrants in the United States, and forced illegal entrants to have their claims for asylum heard or addressed outside of the US. The order was met with widespread criticism from human rights groups, who argued that it violated both US and international law.

Harris defended the order by claiming that it was necessary to protect the rights of asylum seekers at the US and Mexico borders and to protect the rights of migrants through the vetting process for refugees was already incredibly stringent.

Finally, it's worth noting that Harris's views on immigration policy were often shaped by her personal experiences and biases. Throughout her life and career, Harris has demonstrated a tendency to view issues through a lens of personal gain or loss, rather than taking a broader perspective. This may have led her to make statements about immigration policy that were not based in fact, but rather in her own biases and interests.

In conclusion, it's clear that Kamala Harris has made a number of misinformed statements about immigration policy during her vice presidency. While it's difficult to say exactly why she took the positions she did, it's likely that a combination of personal biases, political strategy, and a lack of understanding about the complexities of the issue all played a role. Moving forward, it's important for policymakers and citizens alike to remain informed about the facts of immigration policy in order to make informed decisions and avoid perpetuating myths and misconceptions.

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