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The Special Operations Forces (SOF) are Undergoing a Major Transformation: What it Means for National Security and Military Capabilities

The Special Operations Forces (SOF) are undergoing a significant transformation. Operationally, they are adapting to counter the integrated...

The Special Operations Forces (SOF) are undergoing a significant transformation.

Operationally, they are adapting to counter the integrated deterrence of China while rebalancing their focus on countering terrorist groups. The SOF are also experiencing a generational shift as they now have a substantial number of millennials and the inclusion of members of Generation Z into their ranks. These younger generations of adults have distinctive leadership styles and preferences. Thus, the CNA Corporation conducted a study to help senior special operators better understand the needs of the younger SOF and the strengths and weaknesses of different leadership styles across generations. 

The study aims to provide insights on how leadership traits may need to change to match the challenges of future battlefields.

To understand the leadership needs of the younger SOF, the study conducted about 30 discussions with current and past senior SOF leaders and experts on special operations, ranging from colonels to four-star generals and admirals. The study also reviewed empirical and theoretical research, as well as popular narratives and informed opinions, about the characteristics, traits, and attitudes of younger generations. The research then compared leadership traits that are important to SOF, important to younger generations, and important to success on the future battlefield using the HERO framework.

The research identified 11 leadership traits that are essential to successful leadership in the SOF, which span all three categories of the HERO framework. These traits include character, creativity, flexibility, determination, competence, being a relationship builder, trustworthiness, being a problem-solver, approachability, empowerment, and being a risk-taker. 

While SOF does not have a consistent philosophy of leadership, our research found that these traits align well with the traits applicable to leading millennials and Gen Zers, as well as traits deemed likely suited for success on future battlefields.

The study also found that development of SOF leaders is inconsistent across the force, and this misalignment is not suitable for the expectations of millennials and Gen Zers, who are the most well-educated Americans in history. The study suggests that consistent development of leadership skills, especially focusing on the 11 identified traits, is crucial to motivate and inspire younger SOF.

In conclusion, the study provides valuable insights into the leadership needs of the younger SOF and the strengths and weaknesses of different leadership styles across generations. The identified 11 leadership traits that span all three categories of the HERO framework can serve as a useful guide for future leadership development programs for the SOF.

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