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Intro to Yin - Yin Yoga

Intro to Yin Yoga! An at home beginners Yin Yoga practice led by Adriene. In this session we use things that you might have around the house...

Intro to Yin Yoga! An at home beginners Yin Yoga practice led by Adriene. In this session we use things that you might have around the house to support, find comfort and restore. This practice is good for anybody who is constantly on the go. 

Grab a blanket and a pillow and set aside 30 min for yourself. Listen to the sound of your breath and enjoy!

Watch Yoga With Adriene, demonstrate yoga and meditation for all levels. Explore daily practices, workshops, in-depth learning, weekly or monthly accountability series, and an opportunity to connect with a one of a kind global community. 

This 26-minute Yin-focused workout is great for the mind, body and spirit.

Watch The Video Below.

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