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Los Angeles Non Profit CCSCLA

The Concerned Citizens of South-Central Los Angeles (CCSCLA), a non-profit 501(c)3 community-based organization has been working with famili...

The Concerned Citizens of South-Central Los Angeles (CCSCLA), a non-profit 501(c)3 community-based organization has been working with families and organizations in South Central LA since 1985.

South-Central Los Angeles is a predominantly low-income area with many families struggling to afford basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. Every day is a challenge as many mothers and fathers have to choose between putting food on the table or keeping a roof over their heads.

The Concerned Citizens of South-Central Los Angeles (CCSCLA), a non-profit 501(c)3 community-based organization, has been working with families and organizations in South Central LA since 1985 providing support and community-based programs to those in need. Their work includes working towards social change, economic empowerment, environmental justice, social equity, educational advancement, and principled prison reform within the community and beyond. 

Visit our GoFundMe and show your support! Click Here! 

CCSCLA also provides affordable housing for over 2000 families annually and is assisting in the development of affordable low-income housing in Southern California communities by providing technical and community-based assistance to non-profit housing development corporations working within our South-Central Los Angeles communities. 


Currently, the CCSCLA represents our community on all legislative and policy attempts that are relevant for the protection of our community while providing much-needed services for those in need. Kids from all-over South-Central LA participate in CCSCLA youth programs each year giving them the best opportunity to grow and learn in a safe, educational, and fun environment while heading towards a brighter future. 

CCSCLA is seeking to raise $100K from the support of generous people like yourself in order to increase their reach to more neighborhoods while providing the following outreach services to inner-city youth and families: 

● Education programs 

● Sports programs 

● Job creation 

● Supportive housing 

● Criminal justice reform 

● Training, coaching, and re-entry programs 

● Social justice issues 

● Environmental development programs and projects


CCSCLA directly employs over 300 people with full-time and part-time jobs in the community and works directly with community members and citizens to ensure minorities in inner-city Los Angeles are educated, housed, and employed on a level playing field as they deserve. 

We welcome you to visit our website at for additional information on what we do, how we are working to better the community, and the services we provide.

More About Us:

The Concerned Citizens of South-Central Los Angeles was founded in 1985 by Robin Cannon and Charlotte Bullock in order to form a group to protest the construction of a waste incinerator known as the LANCER within the predominantly low-income, black, and brown communities. By 1987, its construction was successfully thwarted by protests hosted by the CCSCLA being a large contributing factor to the decision. 

Since dismantling the LANCER, CCSCLA has broadened its mission, fighting to better the communities of South-Central LA with a number of community programs. This includes campaigns fighting against environmental hazards in the community, alleyway clean-ups, affordable housing projects, and youth programs. 

Your generous donations will allow us to reach our goals and help more low-income families and all people of color to discover their inner strength and grow together as a community. 

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous donation and ask that you please share our campaign with your friends, family, and co-workers so that all members of the South-Central Los Angeles community have the chance for a brighter future! 

Help Spread the Word! 

#donate #community #sparkraise #gofundme #charity #philanthropy #give #support #giveapenny #share 


Community Engagement



Helping Others


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