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2021 Product Review of Social Media App "Pix Teller"

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about the online social media image editing tool Pix Teller and wondering: does it really work as advert...

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about the online social media image editing tool Pix Teller and wondering: does it really work as advertised?

Well, our digital media staff and social media content managers put Pix Teller to the test, and yes, the answer might surprise you. Read on to discover the good, the bad, and the ugly as we take a close look at Pic Teller.

HOWEVER, before we go any further, we must state unequivocally, that this is NOT a paid advertisement for Pix Teller, and RyPul Media is not promoting Pix Teller over any other online social media advertising editing service, as RyPul Media periodically reviews video and image edit products on the market in order to provide our blog readers and the general public information on media software which may or may not be of benefit to them.   

Now for the review…

So, What Exactly Does Pix Teller Do?

If you’re not familiar with this Pix Teller, let me quickly run down the various options Pix Teller offers and explain what it can do for you. Pix Teller is a social media marketing tool that supports image editing and animated video building platform which allows the end-user the ability to edit graphics, images, and animations with relative ease.  

Pix Teller allows the end-user to download their images in either PNG, JPG, GIF, MP4, or PDF formats, which can then be used on either your blog, website, or social media sites for any purpose you choose.

Here at digital marketing company RyPul Media, we have found each one of these download formats to be very useful since not all sites and end-users respond to one style of media.

  image by RyPul Media created with PixTeller

Pix Teller like most online media resources has a free and paid version, although we have paid for the Pro version which provides us with all of the graphics and design functions we could ever want, however, we suggest that if you’re a novice seeking to edit single images one at a time, or if you are not an agency requiring tons of image edits daily, then the free version should work well for your individual purposes.

At any rate both paid versions, the Pro and Diamond version, we find really to have no more functionality and would recommend you save roughly $5 dollars per month in upgraded cost from the Pro to Diamond version.

Pix Teller Boasts:

  • Pix Bot automatically creates an image and animated video 
  • Over 100,000 + image templates which you can personalize
  • More than 1,500,000 images and illustrations to use 
  • Personalized gradient color selections
  • In excess of 100,000 shapes can be placed in your editor tool
  • As well as 5,000 + animations to add pop to your images and video 

The Good

The best part about Pix Teller is that you can personalize an image, save the image, then come back and edit or tweak your original image for later repost or re-sharing images that garner great social media engagement on your sites.

While not a perfect image editing product for social media marketing on Instagram, we have found Pix Teller's ease of use, editing functions, graphics database, and online image search and use available to be major selling points.  

The Bad:

There is one thing about Pix Teller that was very disappointing. Is that it does not appear to allow the end-user the ability to edit an image and save it to your resource file within the same window, currently in requires you to edit the images, save the image, then return to your save images and make an edit to what essentially is a new image.

A great fix to this would be if Pix Teller simply allowed you to edit the same image in the same window and save it by simply changing the name of the image all within the same window, such a simple fix would be a great time saver.

  image by RyPul Media created with PixTeller

The Verdict:

You’ve probably already figured out the verdict by now.

Do we recommend Pix Teller?

The answer is yes, and that’s because although the in-screen image edits and saves function slows down your creative flow slightly, overall, the ease of use, large image and graphics database, and low cost, make Pix Teller one of our go-to media creation resources for our content management services.

We think you’ll really enjoy using Pix Teller as an ongoing tool for image and graphic edits. Check it out here at to learn more about Pix Teller – you’ll be glad you did! 

Again, this is not a paid advertisement, we do not own the Pix Teller image or any of its proprietary information, our review is for information purposes only.

For information on how digital marketing agency RyPul Media can boost and promote your brand or online presence at  We can also be found on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

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