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Tuesday, March 18


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Crisis Hostage Negotiators Needed

LOS ANGELES - July 18, 2016 -RyPul -- RyPul Threat Assessments, a U.S. based security company has a emerging and current need for Spanish Sp...

LOS ANGELES - July 18, 2016 -RyPul -- RyPul Threat Assessments, a U.S. based security company has a emerging and current need for Spanish Speaking Crisis and Hostage Negotiators for contract work in Central and South America.  If you have the following skill sets or have knowledge of a professional that meets the following criteria please have them contact us today for additional information.

RyPul Threat Assessments has a emerging current need for Spanish Speaking Crisis and Hostage Negotiators for contract work in Central and South America.

Hostage /  Crisis Negotiation Job Description:
Hostage or Crisis Negotiation jobs responsibilities:

  • Assess the major actors within a crisis situation
  • Determine propensity for violence and willingness to dialogue
  • Discretely enter crisis zones and initiate dialogue criminals
  • Endure extended periods of dialogue and crisis management
  • Maintain operational knowledge of crisis incidents
  • Manage instructional programs for new negotiators
  • Provide psychological assessments to tactical personnel
  • Advise on response strategies
  • Manage data incidents and responses from around the world
  • Previous Law Enforcement, Military or Civilian experience required
  • Submit specialized training certifications of programs attended
  • Basic crisis negotiations certification(s) required


Must have a working knowledge of:

The Tactical Use of Negotiators, Team Structure During Crisis Events, Basics of Negotiating, Use of Social Media During a Crisis Event,Tactical Communication Skills, Psychology of Negotiations, Knowledge Terrorism and the Negotiating with Terror Suspects, Use of Case Studies to Achieve Peaceful Resolutions, Suicide Intervention Protocols, The Resolution of Crisis and Dealing With The Aftermath of Negotiations.

Send your resume to

RyPul Threat Assessments

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