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Why Cant School Protect Kids From Active Shooters?

650 Billion Dollars a Year in Education Funding Why Cant School Protect Kids From Active Shooters? LOS ANGELES - Feb. 22, 2016 - By RyPul...

650 Billion Dollars a Year in Education Funding Why Cant School Protect Kids From Active Shooters?

LOS ANGELES - Feb. 22, 2016 - By RyPul Threat Assessments

Again one of the latest school shootings, February 12th at Independence High School in Glendale Arizona High School, proves once again that schools systems haven’t the slightest idea on how to improve school safety let alone how to implement the latest industrial products into the school systems to offer real life saving protective choices.  After travelling the United States over the past year and speaking to school district administrators, district security managers, school police officers and concerned parents groups, I have come to realize that they all want the same things, disagree on how to do it, hence nothing ever gets accomplished, yet the bullets continue to fly on our campuses and our children continue to die and be placed in harm’s way, simple to due to a lack of care, concern, forward thinking and ineptitude.

This latest tragedy is once again being reported by all the usual media sources across the country, and as usual after each and every one of these events, I see the same talking heads appearing on the local and national news programs congratulating the local police response, the local school administrators for their great reporting of the facts and I cringe at the out pouring of heartbreaking emotion by the family and friends of those killed in these senseless shootings, all the while knowing that there are common sense solutions in the marketplace at this very moment that can take the prospect of school safety and security to the next levels of protection.  

I have advocated for years the need for school systems to begin installing bullet and blast proof products into their standard school construction building plans or using planned building upgrades as the only real risk mitigation option to bullets being fired on or near school campuses on a daily basis. All the usual recommendation simply doesn’t work.

visit for details.

Now anytime I speak to administrators, teachers, politicians or even parents, the once line that rings true to them all, is that they are all against our schools looking to “militaristic”, and I had to really sit down and ask myself, after serving in the military on bases around the world just what they meant, and I came to the following conclusion.  It is that these stakeholders have no idea what they are truly talking about; they are all using a talking point to scare people into inaction. After studying schools safety protocols, 

I can report that schools are already armed, secured camps in their own rights. Schools already have armed police patrolling them, locked gates, metal detectors, some K-9 patrols, state of the art camera systems, bio-metric systems and badging capabilities, and from my experience with military bases they have all of the exact same protocols in place to limit access to its most sensitive areas.  The only difference being most buildings on military installations have some type of bullet resistant and blast protection installed it is most sensitive structures to protect its members when all of the above security protocols fail.

I am again repeating my call to all parents and students organizations, to pressure your local school systems into action and demand patented bullet resistant doors shields, protective glass products and specialty wireless school door locking systems, specifically designed for classroom protection and security.  

It is urgent that we get serious about saving the lives of children at school. Inaction kills.

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