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Affordable Bullet Resistant School Protection Systems Available Now

LOS ANGELES  -  Dec. 17, 2015  - - With the number of school shootings continuing to rise at an alarming rate, parents are frightened an...

LOS ANGELES - Dec. 17, 2015 -- With the number of school shootings continuing to rise at an alarming rate, parents are frightened and looking for help. We can’t let this phenomenon continue. You shouldn’t have to worry about your children at school every day.  RyPul Threat Assessments has identified a crucial step in curtailing school shootings and today announced their affordable Bullet Resistant School Protection System, designed specifically for classrooms.

The Bullet Resistant School Protection System was created specifically for classroom protection and security. The systems contain bullet resistant doors, shields, and specialty wireless school door locking mechanisms. According to Threat Protection Specialist, Warren Pulley, CEO of RyPul Threat Assessments, school districts have very little budget money. That’s why the Bullet Resistant System was created to be affordable.

“We may not be able to stop the violent acts, but we can certainly reduce the risk and protect our children and teachers. The recent armed attacks in San Bernardino, CA, as well as the threat to shoot students at several major school districts around Los Angeles and the country, continue to highlight the need for a change in strategy and physical protection. The time for talk is over. Decision makers need to act now to save lives.  More has to be done to bring awareness to the school districts, parents, and government officials. There are tangible solutions that will save countless lives. We have to do better for our children and educators,” said Pulley.

These bullet resistant products prevent bullets from handguns, shotguns and AR15's from penetrating school doors. These products have been tested and demonstrated around the country. Pulley states, “People will continue to talk about the epidemic. Meanwhile, kids will continue to die. Protection systems created by my manufacturing partners with input from school safety advocates are available now.  I’ve tested these systems for myself and find them to be simple, extraordinary, and effective.”

School districts across the country can have access to these products now. Parents should demand their school systems install them immediately. The time to act is now. We can’t wait another second for our children.

You can find more information at

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