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Iran Nuke Reactor Hits Capacity

Iran’s Russian-built nuclear power plant in Bushehr hit capacity on Tuesday and was hooked into the country’s national power grid, accordin...

Iran’s Russian-built nuclear power plant in Bushehr hit capacity on Tuesday and was hooked into the country’s national power grid, according to Iranian officials.
Iran’s Russian-built nuclear power plant in Bushehr hit capacity on Tuesday and was hooked into the country’s national power grid, according to Iranian officials.
The contested power plant, which the West suspects could be used to fuel a nuclear weapons program, hit its top capacity and is now generating electrical power across Iran, according to these officials, who said that the construction of more nuclear plants has been approved.
“Two days ago, the necessary measures were taken and today the electricity generated by the nuclear power plant was transmitted into the circuit and 1,000MW of the electricity would enter the national grid tomorrow (Tuesday),” Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI), announced Tuesday, according to reports in Iran’s state run press.
The Bushehr plant is running at full steam, producing 1,000 mega-watts of electricity following a successful refueling, according to Iran.
“The process of reloading fuel into the Bushehr nuclear power plant ended successfully and the facility joined the national grid at 5:30 Tuesday morning with 50 percent of its nominal power after accomplishment of relevant technical tests,” AEOI head Ali Akbar Salehi was reported as saying on Tuesday.

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