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Finders Fees for Realtor's and Real Estate Agents

My company is in a position to offer you and your clients a most unique service and opportunity. The service is that of a physical threat as...

My company is in a position to offer you and your clients a most unique service and opportunity. The service is that of a physical threat assessment for your clients residential or commercial properties. These assessments are normally conducted by my company in foreign countries where the populace has seen the need for extra security options when purchasing or upgrading their properties.

The assessments are intended to provide a client a way to secure themselves in their homes should a burglary or home invasion occur while they are home. In the U.S. alone a burglary occurs every 15 seconds and 1 in 5 U.S. home are the target of home invasions each year. Our service is a great way to offer your clients additional peace of mind and it also a way to earn yourselves extra bonus for each client you bring to my company.

Feel free to pass this information along client, Realtor or agent you think could benefit from this program. I look forward to doing business with you in the future. The finders fee to the agent is $200.00 dollars.

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